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Growing Together Through the Arts

THE RESEARCH According to current census data, 18.5 % of London Ontario’s population is aged 65 and older. As indicated by a 2017 McMaster University research paper, like other Ontario cities, the percentage of seniors 65 and older in London will nearly double by 2060 ( ). This will require specialized community, social, health, and cultural services, along with built infrastructure. This indicates that as a community, we must embark on a strategic path towards the development, implementation, and refinement of specialized services and infrastructure for aging populations.

With an aging population and shrinking financial resources, seniors’ programming and event collaborations are needed and encouraged in existing decentralized locations. Cross-sectoral partnerships are needed to develop more opportunities for older adults to create, perform, and enjoy arts and culture through social, intergenerational programming. Many seniors and older adults experience emotional challenges such as isolation, loneliness, and depression, as well as social and physical barriers and mobility issues that prevent them from fully participating in society and engaging in meaningful interactions with others.

The Strengthening London’s Neighborhoods Strategy has already highlighted the preference for residents to identify with their local geographic area of the city. Research findings show direct relationships between artistic/cultural experiences and an individual’s mental health/wellbeing . ABOUT THE PROJECT: GROWING TOGETHER THROUGH THE ARTS Growing Together Through the Arts addresses the need seniors have for emotional, intellectual, and creative stimulation, through intergenerational social engagement. The project provides affordable/free and accessible intergenerational creative workshops within public libraries across London, Ontario. These workshops will feature different artistic disciplines, such as visual arts, drama, dance, music, and digital art. Growing Together Through the Arts provides weekly professionally led virtual and in-person arts and cultural programming at Senior’s Centres, Senior Satellite Centres, and Family Centres. There is an emphasis on engaging newcomers, culturally diverse communities, and Indigenous creators to share their arts and cultural practices and activities with others reflecting London’s diverse population and commitment to reconciliation.

Workshops provide varying degrees of physical activity allowing older adults to stay active. The workshops provide older adults connection within the London community by offering opportunities to participate and/or volunteer as workshop assistants and develop lasting intergenerational social connections.

Workshops are designed specifically for seniors, but will also encourage families, children, youth/teenagers to attend thus creating an intergenerational learning/social environment. Youth/teenagers are encouraged to volunteer at the workshops to fulfill their volunteer hours. WORKSHOPS Click through the thumbnails on the right side of the poster to learn more about workshop offerings, locations, and dates.

This project is a collaborative effort led by the London Arts Council in partnership with the City of London’s Age Friendly Network, thirteen (13) neighbourhood Senior’s Centres, Satellite Centres, and Family Centres. The project is supported by a senior’s community-based network, serving as advisors, presenters, volunteers, and participants.


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