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Cultural Prosperity Plan

Artists: Avery Hall and Montana Summers Photo by Nicole Coenen



You probably participate in culture everyday! If you listen to music, read books, enjoy movies, admire architecture, watch or participate in sports, tend a community garden, or even collect vintage items, you are participating in culture.



London’s Cultural Prosperity Plan identifies current and future priorities for strengthening London's cultural sector, providing opportunities for residents and visitors to increase the quality of their lives and experiences in London.


More specifically, the Cultural Prosperity Plan aims to broaden understandings and collaborations across London, to deliver culture to all facets of our City, to incubate new ideas, and to enhance the City's reputation as a leading community for cultural workers to live and create in.


Development of this plan was a collaborative undertaking and included community engagement to generate a shared cultural vision for our City. We collected ideas and perspectives from all Londoners who wanted to assist in developing our City and shaping the Cultural Prosperity Plan.


The full Cultural Prosperity Plan Report, along with London's Cultural Profile, is available on the City of London website.

Cultural Prosperity Plan Report to
City Council

** to be updated in 2024 **

Cultural Prosperity Plan Report to
City Council


Culture builds dynamic cities. It connects commerce, imagination and innovation. 


The London Arts Council took a leadership role in updating London's Cultural Prosperity Plan.  The plan continues to be a guiding document for the London Arts Council's initiatives for the arts in London.

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